Leitz Wetzlar rare original prototype unit of a
16 mm still camera, engraved "Cassetta". Parallel to the great
success of the Leica format, Leitz experimented with various small format
cameras since the early 1950s. Examples are the Leica "Box", the
Leica "16", the Leica "H" and the Leica "110".
Opposite to the Leica 16 (compare Lars Netopil "PROTOTYPE LEICA",
pages 411-417.), the cassetta was of a different design, as a co-operation with
PLAUBEL Francfort, customizing their "Makinette" as a Leitz camera. Lens
design by ENNA Munich. However, the project never went into serial production.
A series of about eight to ten Cassetta cameras exist, of which the one here
almost shows the final design. The lens unit is complete and can be focused,
while shutter and lightmeter units are incomplete or inoperable respectively.
Some of the control knobs and levers seem to be of a later vintage than the
original project. The camera is very beautiful, carrying a similar gray-blue
leather like the famous "Willi Stein" Leica M3 Nr. 700066. This lens
has been authenticated by Paul-Henry van Hasbroeck and Lars Netopil.