ENG / /
LOT: 148
Three Cans of Blue Mark Pu-er Tea Cake, Circa 1950s
ESTIMATE:HK$ 350,000 - 500,000
數量: 三罐
重量: 淨重約1000g
年代: 1950年代
工序: 生茶
茶廠: 勐海茶廠
倉儲: 自然倉

Two Cans of Old White Tea, Circa 1970s
Four Pieces of 73 Jujube-Aroma Tea Brick, Circa Mid 1960s
Two Stacks of Red Mark Pu-er Tea Cake, 1997
Twelve Pieces of 'Jing Gu' Pu-er Tea Bricks, Circa 1970s
Two Stacks of 8582 Pu-er Tea Cake in Thick Wrapping, Circa 1980s