六十年代 老白茶 六十年老壽眉 一芽三四葉滋味醇厚 一甲子歲月陳香 藥性溫平養生佳品 此次上拍的六十年代老壽眉,經陳化後顯露古樸藥香,口感更加醇厚柔滑,藥性亦更加溫平。陳年老白茶以散茶形式保存,屬一芽三、四葉,葉多芽少,茶湯清透,呈亮麗棕紅色澤光潤,入口鮮澀柔和。White tea has a milder and more distant taste compared to other teas. Compared to white tea cakes that undergo high-temperature processing and compression, aged loose white tea retains its medicinal properties while maintaining flavour. After aging in a dry warehouse, this lot has developed a rustic medicinal aroma and a smooth mellow taste.