LOT: 136
百年 聯興號 紅標‧乾倉
估價:HK$ 1,600,000 - 3,000,000
總重量:約316g, 324g
百年 聯興號
易武最古茶號 名垂方志
百年聯興老號 首現拍場
根據《勐臘縣誌》,1930年聯興號由李順來掌管,每年經營茶葉300擔,營業額2萬銀元,恰為乾利貞之半。到抗日戰爭前夕,年經營茶葉100擔,擁有騾馬10匹,年營業額達1.5萬銀元。李順來之子李崇仁沿襲家業,到民國 30 年(1941年),因抗戰爆發民生凋敝,聯興號與同昌號等先後歇業。現今易武老街尚有聯興號舊址房屋,但已易主。聯興號茶品存世絕少,是次上拍百年聯興號圓茶兩片,已有近百年陳期,保存良好,乾倉儲存,尚有內票,十分珍貴。
Lian Xing Hao was one of the twenty renowned tea houses in Yiwu Town during the late Qing Dynasty, along with other famous brands such as Tong Qing Hao, Qian Li Zhen, Che Shun Hao, Tong Chang Hao, and Song Pin Hao. Due to the outbreak of war in the 30th year of the Republic of China (1941), Lian Xing Hao, along with other renowned tea houses, had to close down.
Finding remaining Lian Xing Hao tea is extremely rare nowadays. These two pieces of well-preserved Lian Xing Hao tea, which not only retain their inner tickets but have also been aged in a dry warehouse for nearly a century, are truly precious.